Poverty is a real thing. Everywhere you look, every street corner, there is someone trying to eak out an exsistance somehow. More often then not the person has made a few bad decisions in their life, or have moved to the city to chase a dream of getting rich, only to end up on the streets, homeless, alone and with no way out in their mind.
This is an ever increasing problem for many people, some people have been retrenched and with few prospects of being re-employed have turned to begging on the streets.
More and more people every day are finding it difficult to make ends meet, pay their bills and put food on their table.
Their are different avenues to get out, or to try get out of the cycle and to improve your life, their many opportunities to do this, from television talent shows that offer a recording contract as first prize, which could change your life, to having your own reality show, if you are able to garner a following.
If you do get to a point of homelessness, you become an outsider, unbanked, unemployable because you cannot prove your exsistance. Everything in this world needs a proof of residence to enable you to have a bank account. So how do you go from the above photo to this?

Now dont say you can't do it, it is impossible. Well? Is it?
Maybe 20 years ago it was impossible, but remember it is only impossible until someone makes it possible.
In the last 8 years this has changed, someone has made the impossible possible. How you may ask, who was this person, what have they done to make the impossible possible?
The answer - Satoshi Nakamoto, whoever he/she/they are. They have made it possible for the unbanked to become "banked". They had an idea that would bypass banks, and all traditional financial institutions, and make "banking" truly private and self controlled.
This idea was a digital currency using the internet and a technology that came into being called the blockchain. With a cell/mobile phone, you have a bank in your pocket. With your mobile/cell phone you have an email address and that is all you need to open a blockchain wallet. Email adress, which does not require you to be employed, homed or to prove youe exsistance. With the email adress you can register a blockchain wallet and you have your savings account, for the use of a better word.
This technology is changing the world in ways the world has seldom seen in the past. You do not need a stuffy bank, a credit agency, a job!!!
But you can create an income for yourself with the blockchain, if you can work hard and not expect free handouts, you can create a living for yourself, and no one can stop you. You are in control, you become your own bank manager.
Technology has or is changing the face of this world forever.
You can be part of this change.
It is not difficult to be part.
Get in touch through the contact page in this site or look for me on facebook