As the comment says, animals are by nature inqisitive, like the dog in the picture, it is investigating the porcupine and will most likely will be rewarded witha face full of spines, but that does not deter the dog from still going and looking. It will learn from the experience that playing with the wierd spiny creature is going to end badly, but it learned a lesson!!
Humans on the other hand, will look at the procupine and leave it alone, yes, we know that the spines will hurt, we have learnt through others experiences that the porcupine will hurt you if you frighten it. But someone in history tried to pick it up or catch it and got nailed by loads of spines and spread the word.
What we wont do in modern times is go and look at the porcupine and get hurt and learn from it, we would rather go home, close the door, turn on the TV or PC and sit an moan obut our lives, how unrewarding work is, how unhappy we are that we cant have the nice things, have a bottle of wine to forget the problems, go to bed and start the cycle, not learning a lesson.
We become what we want to become, even subconsciously, we grow up learning that a 9 to 5 job is all we have to look forward too after schooling. We get groomed to learn that life is, school, work, marriage, family, death. But there are people that have taken that script and ripped it up. The have bought a new page, and written their own play and outcome.
These are the entrepreneurs in life, the Richard Bransons, Bill Gates and the Late Steve Jobs among others of this world. They did not sit at 9 to 5 jobs. They worked damn hard to build leading businesses, businesses worth billions, and now, they take vacations on islands, they do charity work, they make others lives a bit more comfortable because they have been successful, and these guys are not old people, but some of them have eiher retired from their companies or semi retired becuase their legacy is solid, and in reality you can only spend so much money.
So now to take lessons from these guys and gals you need to be inquisitive and learn a few lessons from these leaders.
A person who does not have hobbies, does not read or does not work on self improvement becomes a bored, frustrated goalless individual.
If you cannot make the time to enjoy life, what is the point of living your life?'
Now I am not being negative, but most successful people have hobbies or interests outside of work. This usually does not include sitting in front of a television playing computer games, watching hours of series or movies. They dont sit on social media for the sake of sitting on social media, they use it as a tool to better themselves.
I am learning these lessons late in life, if I had learnt these lessons in my 20s I would probably be a heck of a lot closer to my dreams then I am now. But better late then never!!!
Invest in yourself, make the sacrifices, and then you will be able to go on those holidays, buy those cars, spend more time with your families, afterall, life is not about slogging 18 hours a day for 40 years, retiring and trying to survive on a meager pension, life is about living, living for now, enjoying your children because they grow up so quickly.
Build your independence and live, be your own boss and leader, the rewards can be endless.
It takes guts to invest in yourself, it takes guts to leave a stable job, the monthly paydays, the bonus and all the perks that come with a job, but these are not investing in yourself, these are investing in your employer, your employers employer and ultimately the head of the organisation and shareholders.
What do you want out of life?
Not everyone is cut out to be self employed, an entrepreneur or a go getter, but there are people out there who can help remodel you. Teach you how to grab opportunities and take them to new levels. You just need to be inquisitive and prepared to learn.