I love being involved in Bitcoin, I love being a miner, I love that I am relatively new into the crypto shere and I also love that this is early adoption. It is esitmated that less then 1 % of 1% of the worlds population is involved in Bitcoin and other internet monies. It may be a bit more by now but wow, if you work that out it is something like out of 7 Billion people on the planet, less then 7 Million are involved in crypto currency at the moment. That is a huge pool of investors and users just waiting to access and use crypto currencies.
Why so few involved you may ask? Well, being an investor or miner and earning crypto currency is like being on an extreme rollercoaster. I mean I joined in November just before the huge climb up in December, then watched as it dropped from $20000 to $12000, $10000, and down to $8000, then it rose a bit back past $9000, then it dropped again, then it went up again a bit, and then down, and it has continued to do this the whole year so far.
Bitcoin veterans say "dont worry, it does this every year" and I have seen reports that support this. They also say that with every correction, it never or at least it hasnt yet gone back to its previous lows. So far it hasnt with last years June low set at $2212, we havent gone there, and July's low was $1843, I doubt very much that it will go there too.
The question is, when will it start going up again? Good question!
If it goes up they say that its next drop would be down to around $20000, which was December's high, When these new highs will be reached is anyones guess, but what is certain the price will rise. The reason for this is the supply and demand of Bitcoin, a halving is going to happen in 2 years, the reward will be halved for the miners, from 12.5 BTC to around 6.25 BTC, this means less bitcoin hitting the market, and the reason for this is the miners produce or release new bitcoin into the realm every 10 or so minutes, so less supply with a demand that still has to take up, will bring higher prices.
Now I love mining Bitcoin, yes the price is important, but with mining I get new bitcoin fractions every night increasing my holding. The best is that with earning Bitcoin, I cant lose money as I always get more without buying more. Yes, I have the option to buy, but with mining I get more without buying, its a no brainer really.
The real answer is mining. The question is, when will you start?
Drop me a note from the contact section and lets get mining.
Have a great day further