Good day followers
I dont like to get political in these blogs but unfortunately politics has a big impact on our daily lives, no matter where you live in the world.
In these times of uncertainty with what is going on in the world with wars, political upheaval, a lot of extreme parties winning national elections, and some very dodgy manifestos coming out, etc, how have you prepared yourself for a collapsing economy when the policies that could be communist in nature are implemented and your economy collapses and your local currency becomes worthless, like everyones favourite whipping boy, Zimbabwe. There are other countries around the world that are going in that direction, and causing untold problems for the citizens of the country.
If you have savings in the bank, and the bank collapses, what do you do?
If inflation spirals out of control and you only have so much money saved up, what do you do?
If you lost your job and your only means of income, what do you do?
All financial advisors suggest taking some of your investments and taking them offshore, what if you dont have investments or, you dont have the money to send offshore?
If any or all of the above happen, how do you support your family?
Here locally we have the black clouds of land expropriation without compensation, talk of nationalising the banking system, the control of the reserve bank being taken over by the ruling party, and other policies which are communist in nature, are threatening the very core of our society. What happens if and when, these policies are implemented and we become a communist state, which everywhere else in the world, has failed, even the only true communist country in the world, China has a massive parallel economy slanting towards capitalism where many Chinese are getting incredibly rich in an industrial program second to none. All other communist states have failed, Cuba, North Korea, The Soviet Union, all have either ceased to exist or have collapsed so badly that people are dying to get out of the states. Even North Korea is looking at opening up with the meeting between President Trump and Kim Jong-un.
But true to form in South africa, we think that we can make stuff that has failed elsewhere in the world, work here.
If you are worried about your financial future, and want to look at a way of attempting to secure your finances, why dont you look at Bitcoin Mining? The very essence of Bitcoin is a decentralised entity that is not controlled by traditional banks, governments, although they are trying to, and your crypto wallet is fully international, stored on servers outside the country, if you use a wallet that is based overseas. The value is traded in Dollars US, so here you have:
an Offshore investment that grows with mining rewards
You cant lose it to inflation in your country
It will be worth something even if your local currency spirals out of control.
And it is also a savings account for your future
If you would like more info on mining the blockchain with me, drop me a line in the contact link on this site, or a PM in facebook, and lets get chatting.
dont wait until it is too late
Have a great day further