Good day friends
Hope you are having a great hump day
There are 7 deadly sins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_deadly_sins), greed is one of them. Greed is often the deciding factor in deciding on what to eat on a menu, on how many sweets a child wants or how much money you want.
The last point, money, they say is the root of all evil, but we all know that without it we cannot live. We need it to pay rent, bills, fuel, everything relies on money to make the world go round.
We have a minimum we need to survive, that is the amount of money that we need to break even in our month. Enough to buy all be necessities and not necessarily the niceties or luxuries, but human nature always has a need for more and more. We want that fancy overseas holiday, we want the luxury car, the fancy house in the upper part of town. The branded clothes and accessories, all the nice flash things.
Unfortunately, most of us do not earn enough to be able to afford these luxuries but as our friends are buying these items, and flaunting them, we want it too. Its human nature.
Greed, despite being a deadly sin, still has a massive hold over the human psychie.
When an offer comes along, that promises the world, promises that you will be rich, beyond your wildest dreams, in 3 weeks, just give me $50, and I will turn it into thousands while you sleep, you dont need to do anything, I will do it all for you, your greed button flicks to on and you part with your $100, because if i can get rich on $50 then on $100 I can be even richer - greed!
Everyone knows that there is no such thing as a get rich quick scheme, there never has and there will never be. You cannot get rich off no investment, You cannot get wealthy without doing any work, flip, if it was so easy there would be no poverty in this world, anywhere!! But us humans still buy into these qet rich quick schemes. We lose money, burn our fingers, swear we will never buy into another empty promise, but 6 months later, we part with our hard earned money - again! Greed!!
We do not do our due diligence, I mean, you dont usually get the first job you apply for, you dont always accept the first offer made to you? So why do you jump onto the get rich scheme without doing due diligence? Greed!!
I read a few weeks ago, a comment by a motivational speaker that said "the quickest way to bankrupcy is by getting involved in get rich schemes"
Greed, it makes you fat, spiteful, broke and lonely.
Why do we still buy into them?
Have a great day further friends