Are you happy to be "chained" to your desk for all of your working life, doing the 9 to 5 or 8 to 5, then going home and logging on from home, and working until you have caught up your work because you cant finish the work during normal hours?
In this day and age there is so much pressure on the working person that life passes you by quicker then it should, especially as life is so short. You start working and before you realise it it is retirement age and you have done nothing. You have probably missed your children growing up and now you realise that you cant get that time back. The song by Harry Chapin, Cats in the cradle, is a brilliant song. Have you ever actually listened to the words and thought about the meaning of the song?
What if there was an opportunity for you to build your own life, actually work on your dreams and make them a reality?
Truth is that working for a boss will not make you rich, it may make you able to afford school fees, and sports fees, and put food on the table but at the end of the paycheck, is there really anything left for the fun things? Holidays with your family, and I mean a real holiday, no laptop, no calls from your boss, no spending the morning of your "holiday" working on a deadline that really should be waiting for you but because you are connected, you can ignore your family and work instead of spending precious time with them?
There are opportunities out there that if grabbed, and worked on, can give you a life free from a demanding boss, a demanding deadline, a working holiday while your family are on the beach, or the game drive. That is not what life is about, not working continuously losing valuable family time.
Unfortunately, as many real opportunities that are available, there are as many scams. These are meant to make the scammer rich and you poor while selling a false dream. If you are interested in having an alternative income, or even as an add on then make a booking for me to come and see you. It is free to ask, you have nothing to lose.
A video to cats in the cradle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUwjNBjqR-c