Good day friends
We all have dreams and desires right?
If we didn't, we would be living in a very boring, uninspiring and uneventful world.
If you did not have a goal to work towards and you just trudged through your life from birth, school, tertiary education, job, marriage, children, death, how boring would that be?
Face it, we all want a better life, if not for ourselves but for our children?
The nice house for them to feel safe in, a great education to teach them and prepare them for a future career. A nice car for yourself, or for the family, holidays and most of all more time spent with the family.
Unfortunatly in this day and age both parents usually need to work, not out of desire to work, or maybe it is, maybe you are both career orientated, but generally because that is the only way to survive a month. 1 salary just does not cut it anymore. When I was a kid, my father worked, and my mother stayed home and raised the family. This is or was the dream of many households in time, dad works, and mom runs the home. That just does not cut it anymore, or does it?
If you were given an opportunity that gave you the extra that allowed you to stay home on a single working parent going to the office every day, and a work-from-home opportunity that brought in, or could bring in enough so that you could have more family time, would you do it, or, would you sit and wish that there was something you could do to free up your time? To give you the precious time with the family, kids, partner, or your hobbies, instead of working yourself to a standstill, just wishing for that annual vacation to arrive sooner.
There are opportunities out there, whether it is you becoming an entrepreneur in your field of expertise, or branching into something completely different, you can take back control.
"Okay but if you own your own business you will be busier then you are now", you say, maybe so, but remember it will be for yourself, not making someone else rich.

The above is so true, so why don't you be the boss. Why don't you work on a business for yourself. It does not have to be a bricks and mortar business. It can be an online business, a network marketing business, anything, anything that you are in control of and can create an income and wealth level that you want.
Working 9 to 5 for a boss in 95%, maybe more, cases will not make you rich enough to retire, let alone live comfortably. No one except yourself has your best interests at heart, I dont care what any employer tries to sell you, you are always just a means to his end goal. 40 years ago, if you got employed it was generally a job for life, you started your working life and ended the working life at the same company. If you were lucky you rose throught he ranks and became a leader, or you remainder a foot soldier "in the trenches" and worked out your days until retirement. That does not exsist now. No job is for life anymore, but if you can help soften the blow if you are made redundant, retrenched or the company closes down, would you?
Be your own boss. Do something for yourself.
Have a great day further